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toward和towards有什么区别和联系 toward和towards的区别

元宇宙网   2023-05-08 14:39:35


最近这段时间总有小伙伴问小编toward和towards有什么区别和联系 toward和towards的区别是什么,小编为此在网上搜寻了一些有关于toward和towards有什么区别和联系 toward和towards的区别的知识送给大家,希望能解答各位小伙伴的疑惑。


1、to·ward prep. = to·wards1. In the direction of: driving toward home.2. In a position facing: had his back toward me.3. Somewhat before in time: It began to rain toward morning.4. With regard to; in relation to: an optimistic attitude toward the future.5. In furtherance or partial fulfillment of: contributed five dollars toward the bill.6. By way of achieving; with a view to: efforts toward peace.adj.1. Favoring success or a good outcome; propitious.2. (often towards) Happening soon; imminent.3. (Obsolete) Being quick to understand or learn.在意义上,两者相同。


3、两者的差别是方言性的,即,美国人多用 toward,英国人多用towards。

4、 (╯﹏╰),虽然说了没用,但还是要说,百度知道的 文字编辑功能真是,所有内容只能全部一样,无法加效果,真是很SW,,,哎,,BZQ!!!人们请FN !!!。

